Fixed Term Business Loans

Repay your loan over a set period of time with regularly timed repayments

We understand that it is often hard for smaller business to get loan approval from the big banks. With our business loan, we don’t require any collateral.

Loans are provided up front and paid back at agreed regular intervals in line with the cashflow of your business. Each repayment has a portion of interest added to the agreed payback amount.

How it works



  • You are approved for a specific loan amount
  • You agree a payback period
  • You pay interest on any outstanding loan amount

We understand that it is often hard for smaller business to get loan approval from the big banks. With our business loan, we don’t require any collateral.

Loans are provided up front and paid back at agreed regular intervals in line with the cashflow of your business. Each repayment has a portion of interest added to the agreed payback amount.

How it works



  • You are approved for a specific loan amount
  • You agree a payback period
  • You pay interest on any outstanding loan amount

Advantages of a Fixed Term Business Loan


Easy to apply

Fast access to funds

Less stess about
interest rates

Redraw and
early repayments